Does hair grow with hair extensions ? -

Does hair grow with hair extensions ?

Our hair experts are here to answer all your questions about choosing and applying a hair extension.

One question they are often asked concerns the impact of hair extensions on the hair growth process. This is a legitimate concern and deserves a clear and precise answer. Our hair experts have therefore become accustomed to calling on the testimonies of our clients to answer certain questions that require more proof than argument. Since 2007, more than 150,000 clients have chosen a hair extension recommended by Expert hair extensions. It would have been a shame not to rely on this experience to demonstrate the seriousness of our services...

2 or 3 things to know about hair

Whatever the hair potential, it is good to know that hair is not destined to remain indefinitely on a skull. It has a limited lifespan and follows a process that is strangely similar to that of any living being:


- The growth phase: which corresponds to the appearance of the hair and its growth. This cycle can last from 2 to 5 years. At the end of it, the hair will have grown by an average of 4 inch per year. The growth phase concerns 80% of your hair mass.

- The intermediate phase: this is when the hair loses its vitality. It no longer grows as it used to and is preparing to give up its place... This cycle lasts 1 month and concerns 10% of the hair.

- The hair loss phase: which puts an end to the overall cycle. Hair loss is progressive and can last from 2 to 3 months.

Hair therefore has its own life cycle, it does not grow and fall in a uniform manner, and this is all to the good: more than a hundred hairs fall out every day…

The natural hair extension? Your hair's friend

An extension needs a minimum of original hair to be maintained, or to put it another way: without hair, there are no extensions... It would therefore have been ridiculous to invent a hair complementing process that would not be the ideal partner of the hair. But rather than reasoning, let's let our clients speak, as they have been able to live with their extensions on a daily basis:

Annie - 55 years old - No profession

"I chose a hair extension after my treatment for breast cancer, on the advice of my doctor. I hadn't lost all my hair, I had enough left for a keratin-based extension. After a few months, I was forced to admit that I had regained my hair. I was therefore able to do without my extensions, which doesn't mean I won't wear them again... For example, for the pleasure of changing my look for a weekend... "

Katia - 28 years old - Accountant

"It runs in the family, we don't have much hair. Men or women, we haven't been spoiled on this side... I resort to extensions punctually, to please myself, on the occasion of a party... And what I can guarantee is that the few hairs I have, they grow normally... When I go to my hairdresser, when I need him to put my tape in hair extensions, I take advantage of it so that he adjusts the length of my original hair. I kill two birds with one stone, if I may say so..."

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