Do human hair extensions hurt ? -

Do human hair extensions hurt ?

If you have never worn hair extensions, it is quite normal to have questions. The one concerning the comfort provided by an extension depends on the type of installation you choose. Indeed, several criteria must be taken into account to choose the right hair extension:

  • The duration of use.
  • The original volume of your hair.
  • The type of your hair.

Finally, since we can already tell you from experience that an hair extension does not hurt, the right question to ask is: what is the right hair extension for me?

What is a hair extension for?

There are as many hair extensions as there are desires to satisfy. Whether you want to add volume to your hair, or need to mask temporary or permanent hair loss, the ideal extension exists.

Whether you want to enjoy the effect of a hair addition for a weekend or for several weeks, there is a specific type of extension. 

The important thing is to determine the use you will make of your extension and not to hesitate to contact our hair experts to differentiate the different types of hair extensions available.


A hair extension for a weekend:

A hair extension for several weeks:

A painless hair extension.

Once you have chosen the right extension, it's time to enjoy the effect of your enhanced hair. To ensure that your hair extension goes as smoothly as possible, here are a few tips that are so easy to implement:

Prepare your original hairstyle before installing an extension

For the hair extensions to integrate perfectly with your original hair, it is necessary to "prepare the ground"... A cut carried out by your usual hairdresser will facilitate the installation of the hair extensions and thus the comfort of use. A quality hair extension does not require any adaptation time, you just need to plan to lighten your original hairstyle if the addition is intended to create volume.

When it comes to natural hair extensions specifically, you'll find it even easier to forget about them. Extensions provide the most pleasant sensation. In addition to the comfort provided by a quality hair and the precision of the installation, the effect produced is bluffing of natural.

Maintaining your hair extension normally

Comfort and hygiene are the two characteristics of extensions that are pleasant to wear. To avoid knots in the strands and to facilitate the brushing of your extensions, regular washing is recommended. Simply use a mild shampoo all over your hair and dry without excessive heat. A slow brushing, before sleeping and when waking up, also contributes to the good behaviour of your hair extension. A range of care products is available to prolong the life of your hair additions, and above all to maintain their natural appearance. From the end repair serum to the keratin spray, everything has been designed to guarantee you a soothing comfort of use.

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