The ultimate guide of hair extensions
All women dream of having long, shiny, voluminous and silky hair. It has always been a symbol of femininity and seduction. Don't wait for years to have a mermaid mane, opt for the easy way with clip-in hair extensions.
Curly hair extensions
Curly hair extensions grows very slowly. Extensions are often used to add volume and length. This option is less aggressive than weaving, for example.
The different types of human hair extensions
This type of hair extension allows you to change your hairstyle regularly and to indulge in a variety of hairstyle fantasies according to trends. The natural clip-in hair extension can be installed and removed in a few minutes thanks to its clip-in system, you can do it at home and alone without help!
Should I Buy Hair Extensions?
Extensions may vary in quality and price depending on where you go. We have collated reasons why you should buy extensions. Read more.
Best top 5 hair colour dyes
Choosing the perfect hair colour can be daunting, we have come up with five popular hair colours that would suit your hairstyle. Read more below.